Thanks to Prof. Berthold Gick at University of Applied Sciences in Koblenz Germany for finding a few bugs in my published CRC values. (And also thanks for a very thorough second-check of results -- this is an essential part of scholarly publication that is not acknowledged as often as it should be!)
I have updated presentations and papers that I can find with the following corrections:
From my FAA presentation materials:
Polynomial HD=2 HD=3 HD=4
0x80000d | 16,777,212 | 5815 | 509 (length in bits at that HD)
From my 2002 paper:
Polynomial 0x992c1a4c has a maximal HD=6 payload of 32738 bits (originally published as 32737)
From many publications the table of 16-bit and smaller CRCs:
11-bit polynomial 0x5d7 has a maximal HD=5 payload of 26 bits (originally published as 25)
Some of the "best" polynomial recommendations have been updated. If you are unsure about a polynomial from a previous publication, you can look up its properties here:
and in the accompanying polynomial zoo (click on the polynomial size header in each column).
If anyone else spots an error please do let me know. This work happens time-available, but I do strive to eventually fix any bugs I know about.