Over the course of the summer I was able to get a little time to revise and update my CRC data web site. It is still work-in-progress, but you'll find a lot more data than was there previously.
New summary tables: http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/crc/
Recommendations for "good" polynomials with various HD values are completed through 25 bit CRCs, and I'll let the scripts compute away for a few months until eventually the tables are completed through 32 bits. Past 32 bits my search algorithm starts taking a long time to execute so probably will only have samples above that, but we'll see how it goes.
When you look at the data, yellow and blank mean things I'm working on (the color coding helps me keep straight what the scripts are currently working on). Green boxes and "under construction" mean preliminary results that should be OK but aren't double-checked yet. A significant addition is that I've added automatically generated examples of violations of the HD so you can confirm results for yourself. There is also some do-it-yourself HD computation help here.
If you see a polynomial missing that is published somewhere let me know and I'll add it.
I should mention that Prof. Berthold Gick from University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, Germany has been independently working in this area and verified many of my results. More importantly, he's pointed out a few typos and other issues that I'm working to correct. I'd like to take this chance to thank him for his efforts. If anyone else notices problems please let me know.
Cyclic Redundancy Codes, Checksums, and related issues for computer system data integrity.
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